Performance-based Career Management

Kansuk’s goal is to maintain employee satisfaction by creating a safe workplace that inspires excitement and pride in our employees.

Working in Kansuk

The performance system in our company allows managers and employees to share their mutual expectations and use concrete and measurable criteria in performance appraisal. In addition, performance interviews and evaluations are held with all our employees twice a year. The steps for the employee’s personal development and professional development plan and the training needs are determined in these meetings, while our employees with successful evaluation results are rewarded.

Main objectives of our Performance System;

  • To increase the motivation and loyalty of our employees.
  • To encourage the professional and personal development of our employees.
  • To create personal and professional development training in determining the career plans of our employees.
  • To ensure that promotions to be made within the company are realized with a rational evaluation.
  • To provide a constructive, fair, open and transparent communication environment within the company.

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